Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Road To SEMA and Beyond...

 The Rockett Raptor is my daily driver for now. I believe that it is the kind of truck that that you can off road one weekend, take camping the next, tow your bikes, over land across the desert and still take your kids to school Monday morning. Radical can be usable and I am out to prove that. Why? Maybe I should have been a marketing guy? Oh, that's right. I am! (See: Rockett Drum Works)

 On November 5th, SEMA begins. However, several days before that, The Rockett Raptor must be completed. We still have a ways to go and Brian Rider (Rider Graphics) and I are actively seeking to finish it! I am being 100% transparent about this build. Meaning, no games with sponsors. I am being 100% honest and will do my part in making my end of the bargain solid. If I say I will show up and promote the brand, I will. I won't endorse any brand that I don't believe in and won't take things for free just because they are free. I have a vision for this build and it has to make sense. It's also about the relationships at these companies, how they interact and if they keep their word.

First up was Magnaflow. Magnaflow exhaust is a front runner across the world. Magnaflow was the first company to come to the table and get involved. I am glad to be part of the team at this year's SEMA.

The following companies have come on board and I feel that they are some of the strongest names in the business. The have made this project a sure stand out.

MagnaFlow -

One11Ink -

Phoenix Pop Up Campers -

Firestone -

Addictive Desert Designs -

Method Race Wheels -

Rigid Industries -

Airaid -

Odyssey Batteries -

Whistler -

Auto Anything -